Color Scheme Plan
Collecting and planning color usage in Mercurial
1. Available colors
Historically terminal colors were generated by direct drive of 3 color bits plus an intensity bit, so each RGB component is either 00, 7F, or FF in modern terms. Modern terminal software generally picks a palette close to this, so it's what we assume below. Some large fraction of terminals default to a black on white scheme rather than the traditional black on white.
name |
hex |
foreground on black |
foreground on white |
white on background |
black on background |
red |
#7f0000 |
text |
text |
text |
text |
green |
#007f00 |
text |
text |
text |
text |
blue |
#00007f |
text |
text |
text |
text |
2. Existing color settings
2.1. status
3. Proposed color settings