Changesets Evolution - development page.

/!\ This page is intended for developer

For a user perspective have a look at the ChangesetEvolution page.

1. Contributing

The simplest way to help is to grab one of: list of easy bug

There is also a multiple well defined topic that where idea exist but needs an implementation

There is more complicated part that requires attention too.

2. Roadmap

Current status:

2.1. Stage A

Changeset Evolution is currently at Alpha Stage. If won't eat people data, but only handful of people knowns how to get out some situation..

2.2. Stage B

At beta state, the UI and experience will not be easy/pleasant enough for normal user, but advance user of Mercurial should find their mark. We may consider shipping it with Core Mercurial with an experimental flag.

Blocker to beta release:

2.3. Release Stage

A which point we can merge changesets evolution into core.

Other concept not directly involved in Changeset Evolution and closely related for technical or user experience reason.

3. In progress Features

3.1. Using Obsolescence Marker during Rebase

There is two big issues with rebasing a set containing obsolescence changeset:

To enable the current implementation set the config experimental.rebaseskipobsolete to true.

Current progress:

4. Archived Topic

4.1. Obsstore Format

Markers are stored in an append-only file stored in '.hg/store/obsstore'.

4.1.1. V1 (current) Format

(see in line document for latest data) quick summary longer explanation

The file starts with a version header:

The header is followed by the markers. Each marker is made of:

4.1.2. V2 (current) Format motivation

There is two extra information we would like to see in a second version of the format: possible change



We have multiple option for storing parents:

  1. Having an explicite field similar to successors (one byte to know how many parents, then parents)
  2. Having an explicite field but store the number of parent in the bit fields (since we never have more than 2 parents)
  3. Using the successors field. Having negative number of successors mean it is a prune.

Option (3) is the most space saving but prevent use to store parent information for more changesets if needed in the future (We do not have a final exchange plan yet).

Option (1) and (2) takes 2 to 8 bits more than (3) but are more flexible.

bit field

If we extend the bit field to 2 Bytes, it makes sense to use option (2) for storing parent. Proposed Format

The P number would be hidden in the bit field. We need to store 4 possible values here: 0 parents, 1 parent, 2 parents, ø parents information stored. Possible assignement is 00, 01, 10, 11. this let both 0 parent and ø parent info to be 0 module 3.