Differences between revisions 3 and 4
Revision 3 as of 2006-11-11 20:32:02
Size: 535
Editor: grooz
Revision 4 as of 2006-11-12 21:21:14
Size: 899
Editor: grooz
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== Legacy repositories ==
Something has to be done with repositories having changelog messages encoded in Latin-1 or other encodings. [http://www.kernel.org/hg/linux-2.6/ Linux kenel tree] is an example. The options are
 * allow users to specify repository changelog encoding in hgrc
 * provide a tool to convert repositories from legacy encoding to UTF-8

Things that need to be done

  • decode user provided log messages from locale encoded byte strings to unicode strings
    • decode logfile if --logfile option used
    • decode the message specified in command line if --message option used
    • decode edited file otherwise
  • use terminal encoding to display those messages (provided as unicode strings)
  • encode log messages (provided as unicode string) in UTF-8 when storing
  • decode log messages from UTF-8 to unicode string when retrieving

Legacy repositories

Something has to be done with repositories having changelog messages encoded in Latin-1 or other encodings. [http://www.kernel.org/hg/linux-2.6/ Linux kenel tree] is an example. The options are

  • allow users to specify repository changelog encoding in hgrc
  • provide a tool to convert repositories from legacy encoding to UTF-8


ChangelogEncodingPlan (last edited 2012-10-25 21:04:47 by mpm)