Differences between revisions 1 and 5 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2005-08-26 00:57:50
Size: 567
Editor: waste
Revision 5 as of 2006-06-15 22:22:51
Size: 911
Editor: EricHopper
Comment: Answering the question.
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 * Question: Is a changeset a particular state of the project (like a Subversion revision number), or is it a set of changes to files (like a Darcs patch)?
   * The way the changeset hash is calculated says that a changeset is a particular state of the project plus all of its ancestor states (i.e. all the changeset it took to get there).


A changeset (sometimes abbreviated "cset") is an atomic collection of changes to files in a repository. The act of creating a change set is usually called a ["Commit"]. The information in a changeset may include

  • changes to the contents of the files
  • changes to file names or other external attributes (such as execute permissions)
  • information about who made the change (the "committer") and why ("comments")

A changeset is identified uniquely by a ChangeSetID. In a single repository, you can identify it using a RevisionNumber.

  • Question: Is a changeset a particular state of the project (like a Subversion revision number), or is it a set of changes to files (like a Darcs patch)?
    • The way the changeset hash is calculated says that a changeset is a particular state of the project plus all of its ancestor states (i.e. all the changeset it took to get there).

ChangeSet (last edited 2018-02-03 04:31:09 by SangeetKumarMishra)