Pages that are obsolete but are kept around for historical value.
To add a page to this category, add a link to this page on the last line of the page. You can add multiple categories to a page.
List of pages with "A:historic" marker:
- 1.5sprint
- 1.7sprint
- 1.9sprint
- BranchPlan
- BundleFormatHG19
- CaseFolding
- CaseFoldingPlan
- CategoryHistorical
- ChangelogEncodingPlan
- CrossedLinkrevs
- EOLTranslationPlan
- ExtendedChangelog
- Goaltender
- HackableMercurial
- ImergeExtension
- InternationalizationPlan
- LiquidHG
- MacOSXTools
- ManifestV2Plan
- MutableHG
- NewWebInterface
- ParentDeltaPlan
- PartialClone
- PatchHandlingUnificationRFC
- PoisonedChangesetsPlan
- Py3kPort
- RebasePlan
- RebaseProject
- RenamePlan
- RoadMap
- ShallowClone
- SpiderGoat
- SubrepoRemappingPlan
- SummerOfCode/2008
- SummerOfCode/2010
- TrimmingHistory
- WikiCleanup
- WireProtocolUnificationPlan
- mpm/flow
List of pages in this category: