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Revision 36 as of 2013-08-29 18:05:14
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Editor: AugieFackler
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Editor: AshelyFIQ
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= Beginner's Guides =
A collection of useful introductions and tutorials for new Mercurial users.


== Here ==

 * [[UnderstandingMercurial|Understanding Mercurial]] - a graphical illustration of basic Mercurial concepts
 * [[Tutorial]] - a step-by-step guide for for the basics
 * QuickStart - a cheat sheet for the impatient

== Elsewhere ==

 * [[http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/a-tour-of-mercurial-the-basics.html|A Tour of Mercurial: The Basics]] - chapter 2 of ''[[MercurialBook|Mercurial: The Definitive Guide]]''
 * Getting started exercises: [[http://mercurial.aragost.com/kick-start|Mercurial Kick Start]]
 * [[http://www.hginit.com|Hg Init]] - a Mercurial introduction by Joel Spolsky
 * A tutorial based on examples: [[http://www.jemander.se/MercurialByExample.pdf|MercurialByExample.pdf]]
 * The article ''[[http://www.lunch.org.uk/articles/Hg.pdf|Inside a distributed version control system]]'' (PDF, 13 pages)
 * [[QuickReferenceCardsAndCheatSheets|Quick Reference Cards and Cheat Sheets]] (PDF and PNG) to decorate your desk
 * [[http://betterexplained.com/articles/intro-to-distributed-version-control-illustrated/|Distributed version control illustrated]]
 * [[http://hgtip.com|hg tip]] - Learn Mercurial one bite-sized tip at a time.
 * A [[http://stevelosh.com/blog/2009/08/a-guide-to-branching-in-mercurial/|guide to branching]] by Steve Losh
 * [[http://mercurial.ru/|Links]] to various tutorials in Russian.

54 yr old Potter or Ceramic Artist Dusty Heeter from Boucherville, has several interests which include mah jongg, [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frO3WlOgWps|itunes gift card generator]] and string figures. Finds the world an interesting place having spent 8 days at Ancient City of Sigiriya.

54 yr old Potter or Ceramic Artist Dusty Heeter from Boucherville, has several interests which include mah jongg, itunes gift card generator and string figures. Finds the world an interesting place having spent 8 days at Ancient City of Sigiriya.

BeginnersGuides (last edited 2013-09-04 16:27:25 by mpm)