Allpaths Extension

Run commands like push on multiple paths.

1. Status

This extension is not distributed with Mercurial.

Author: LudovicChabant


Web page:

2. Overview

This simple extension lets you execute commands on multiple paths.

For now, this is only the push command:

$ hg pushall

This will push to all paths specified in the [paths] config section.

You can also provide the name of a different section:

$ hg pushall -g publish

This will push to all paths specified in the [publish] config section, which should look like this:

bitbucket = ssh://
github = git+ssh://
other = ssh://my@own/server
local = /some/other/place

You can also provide standard push options:

$ hg pushall -b branch

3. Configuration

Configure your .hgrc to enable the extension by adding following lines:

allpaths = [path to]/
