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This page is primarily intended for developers of Mercurial.

2025 Sprint

We did not had a physical sprint for a while. Let us explore resuming them. Especially as Mercurial is turning 20 year old this year.

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1. Date and location

Lets aim for having one sprint in 2025.

The most favorable time frame is likely either May/June or October/November.

In the past, sprint were friday to sunday to help with volunteer attendance.

The exact date and location have not been picked yet.

1.1. Possible Location

Since we did not had a sprint for a while, so attendance is unclear.

Let us aime for having around 10 attendees it is good to have a large main room and one or two of other smaller rooms for sub-meetings.

Given the current contributor population, having a sprint in Europe seems simpler.

If you have a location to offer for a sprint, please fill the below table with details of which date would work for you (and if they are compatible with week or week-end date).



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Location point of contact: (Location not picked yet)

If you need a formal invitation for visa purposes, contact the person above.

1.2. People Availability

Everyone is welcome from core developers to aspiring contributors. Attending a Mercurial sprint is usually a good way to kickstart your contributions as you'll get a large amount of help available for 3 days.

Since we don't have a location and date fixed yet. please express interest and location/date constraint.


Coming from

Need funding

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<!> Babar









3. Sponsors

We need funds to pay for flights and hotels for a few independent contributors.

Last sprints sponsoring budgets were around $10,000.

Sponsoring Company:

Sponsor point of contact: <!> Please offer your service

5. Possible Topics

Important things we want to discuss: (add your own)

5.1. Support for Older format and feature

5.1.1. Older format

Some of the older format (e.g. revlog-v0) are very old and now very poorly tested. Moving them to "read only" support with warning when they are encountered would simplify the code base and reduce the change of user getting in trouble.

5.1.2. Support for other feature/extension

Some older extensions are poorly tested, broken or coupled with dead software. We should consider dropping them. For example:

5.1.3. Support for older Python version

It would be nice to have a clear and written policy for when we drop support for a given Python version.

5.2. Developer Experience

A lot has changed with the PEP517 support. And we could use various utility to help us (e.g nox or pdm). A sprint is probably the right time to discuss them.

5.3. Rust

With the building of Wheels, shipping the Rust flavor to more user is simpler, however this also mean being more careful regarding compatibility. We should discuss the current state of Rust and where we want to go with it.

6. Sprint Notes

General overview (drop the anti spam part): https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/sprint-hgx.y-NOSPAMREMOVETHATLASTPAST ( <!> update URL)

The table below is an attempt to gather written summary of discussion

Session theme


People who know what happened


2025Sprint (last edited 2025-02-28 23:39:06 by Pierre-YvesDavid)